Tuesday, 25 June 2013


 The sweetcorn have grown really well since I put them in a week ago, and are now double their size. The weather has been warm, but not too warm, and basically dry, so I've had to water them. I have also dug my first potatoes - Casablanca - not many but enough for two and very tasty. I shall now have to be very patient and wait another month!
Buoyed by the success of my netting, I have put some more in the same enclosure, this time over rows of carrots (which were attacked by carrot fly last year) and swedes (which were attacked by flea beetle and pigeons) and beetroot (which just happen to be in the middle). This will also stop the birds eating the slug pellets.

I have also picked another cabbage - untouched! - and some broad beans, so already I'm doing better than last year (not difficult!).

I have also now finished putting boards around each of my enclosures, so it will be possible to raise the levels by adding compost and manure. Looking forward to next year!

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