Tuesday, 18 June 2013

A summer evening's delight

It was a real pleasure to go up to my plot this evening - warm, and (most importantly) very little wind. I took the opportunity to plant out my sweetcorn, most of which I have enclosed with plastic jars with the bottom cut off. This will give them a little protection against the weather, but it also let me put slug pellets round them, as the birds should not be able to get to them. The variety is 'Ovation', a so-called 'supersweet' variety, which is F1, so I won't be able to save seed if they are good. I have intercropped them with lettuces (Little Gem, which I have been growing in my seed bed), which should be ready in July/August, while the sweetcorn  should be ready in September. It will be interesting to see if the protected sweetcorn do better than the unprotected (in the foreground) ones.

That's nearly all of the planting/planting out done. I have also planted more carrot and beetroot seed, and a row of swedes. There are some more leek plants to go in - not big enough yet - and I shall sow some chard and early spring cabbage seed in my seed bed. No more room for anything else - in fact I shall have to take some things out before planting out the chard and spring cabbages. Of course, that is not the end of the work this spring! I have boards to install round 2 of my mini-plots in order to raise the beds, and there is always weeding, feeding and watering. But things are now back on an even keel, after a very slow start.

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