For a change, I think I'm more or less up to date on my plot. The sweetcorn are doing well, and I've fed and watered them, and more slug pellets inside the plastic collars. The potatoes are looking OK as well, and it will be time to try a root of the earlies in a week or so.
This is another of my mini-plots, with runner beans on the left - I have planted African marigolds in between to keep off the blackfly - and peas to the right, which will also be ready to pick in a week or so. In the middle is squeezed a row of beetroot. Rain is promised for this evening and tomorrow, which will hopefully remove the need for watering, which is just as well as I am having a few days in Denmark (a niece's wedding) and will not be able to water etc.
So everything is planted for the summer (with the exception of some leeks which are still too small to plant out), the paths are covered with a thick mulch of chipped bark etc, and there are boards round each plot so that the soil level inside can be raised. Lots of things are slow this year (like the courgettes, which have hardly grown since planting them out) but the pace is picking up. I have already picked lettuce, broad beans and cabbages, and in the next month there should also be peas, beans, beetroot, potatoes, spring onions and carrots - plus courgettes, maybe!
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