I went up to the plot today to pick some strawberries - about a kilo today, but I've been picking 1.5 - 2 kilos every day recently, more when there has been less rain and more sun, ie not many as we have had very heavy showers just about every day. However, there have been plenty for us, and relatives/friends, plus some that I have stewed (only for 3 or 4 minutes) with some sugar - not enough to set the strawberries as jam, but enough to give a lovely rich strawberry syrup with big pieces in, just right for filling cakes etc, and of course it freezes, so we will be having steamed sponge puddings etc in the winter.

The strawberries are of course netted, but the low nets are quite inconvenient, so by next year I plan to put up a taller enclosure that will cover them all, and that I can walk around in. As well as strawberries, I also picked some small broad beans, which we eat 'mange tout', ie pods and all, and peas, carrots and beetroot. The brassicas are also doing well under their tent, and we had a lovely pointed cabbage yesterday, with more broccoli to come and any amount of lettuces.
A few weeks ago, an allotmenteer installed a beehive, after consultation with the plotholders, some of whom were opposed on the grounds that they might get stung. This now has its own colony of bees, but the weather has been so poor that they are being fed with a sugar solution. I have always been interested in beekeeping, which undoubtedly brings great benefits to any gardener, but I was very surprised a few days ago on my birthday to be given a hive, suit/gloves etc and two books on the subject. So all I need now is a swarm, but even this has been promised for September, which will give me time to read the books and go on 'hive days'. I shall not be keeping the bees up at the allotment, if I can find a spot in our garden, unless our neighbours object (very unlikely), but watch this space!