Sunday, 12 June 2016

All done - for now

The brassica 'tent' is now repaired, and everything in it has come on well. In fact today I picked my first broccoli - looks smashing, no damage from slugs etc. Also some lettuces, beetroot and carrots. And the weather has at last been good enough to plant out the remainder of my plants - sweetcorn, courgettes, butternut squash and some cabbage seedlings that I had been bringing on in pots. Some of the strawberries are turning red, so they will be ready in a few days (although the weather for the next week looks distinctly 'iffy'). Unfortunately, the straw that I put down must have had a lot of barley seeds in it, as my strawberry patch now resembles an unmown lawn! I have also augmented my French beans with some seedlings that I bought, as the ones I planted out a few weeks ago have been heavily attacked by slugs. I have put down some slug pellets - not really the thing to do as the plot is not covered, but it's them or us!
So all-in-all, things are more or less up to date, but of course everything will need weeding, fertilising, watering (maybe) etc .... a never-ending task!

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