This is my 'hot-bed', ha ha! I dug it out a little while ago and it immediately filled up with water. When (if!) it drains, I will put in about a foot of horse manure, tread it down, and top it with a few bags of compost. Hopefully it will then warm up (especially with the glass lid on) so I can get some early crops.
This is one of my plots, with manure and compost, but not yet dug of course. It should have all been dug in the autumn, but it was too wet. I started digging it this afternoon, although it was still too wet really - very squelchy underneath. There will be broad beans in here soon - they are planted in pots in my greenhouse - then will come peas, runner beans and sweetcorn. I have also planted some leek seeds, but these will be planted out much later. My potatoes are chitting on a bright windowsill at home, and will go in the next plot, with beetroot, lettuce, French beans and carrots. Then in plot 3 there will be onions (some planted over winter, some a few weeks ago in my greenhouse), garlic, leeks and parsnips. To complete the rotation, plot 4 will have all the brassicas - cabbages, swedes etc. This will be covered with a fine mesh net, to keep the butterflies off. Plot 1 (half of which I dug today) will be covered with a coarse mesh net, to keep off the birds but to allow in the pollinators.
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