Thursday, 14 July 2022

High Summer

 It has been very hot recently - in the low 30sC - with no sign of rain, and none to come in the near future. In fact, it will apparently get hotter - up to 37°C - so will make growing things quite challenging - we have to water every day, in the evening when it's cooler. Having said that, this year has already been much more productive than last year. From 2kg of seed potatoes, I harvested 80kg of Vivaldi, with practically no slug or disease damage. They are delicious, and should keep well, until at least Christmas. And we have had plenty of beetroot, lettuces, mange tout peas, spring onions and broad beans, and now the courgettes have started. Strangely perhaps, I have a lot of pears coming but very few apples, whereas last year was the opposite. And strawberries were few and far between, but the plants were very small, so should be much more productive next year.

Sweetcorn are looking good so far. They should be ready in September, but before then I must put up something to stop the badgers. They know exactly when it's ready to pick, and last year, in one night, ate the lot! Last year, I protected them - to no avail - by hanging CD's from string round the plot, which is already surrounded by green mesh, but they are very strong and determined. Mind you, a lot of people tried a lot of things, and nothing worked! So this year will have to be something quite extreme, like an electric fence! It's either that, or sit up all night with a shotgun! 

Before that, there will be shallots (which are looking excellent) and onions to harvest, and in the next week or so the runner beans will start, so we will be going vegetarian! Bit different to last 'summer' ....

Vegetables for harvesting in the winter are also coming on strongly - leeks, parsnips and kale - and we're looking forwards to them.

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