Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Just starting up again


It's been extremely dry recently - no April showers! - but also not very warm, so not much is growing. This is my onion patch. I started them off in modules, so could keep an eye on them and water, but now they're planted out. Also here are shallots, which have not yet come up, and garlic which I planted last autumn. In other areas I have sown beetroot, carrots, spinach and spring onion seeds, and have planted out some broad beans (which are very hardy) and some peas. This is a special variety which is a bit more hardy than most, but they're not doing a lot yet. I've also planted out my potatoes. These are not at all hardy, but as yet have not come up, which is just as well, as frost is forecast - and although the weather for the next two weeks looks bright, it's going to be quite chilly during the day, and no rain either!

I've also given the strawberry patch some attention - weeded, a bit of blood, fish and bone fertiliser on each plant, and wood chippings to keep the fruit off the ground. And that's another area that will need watering soon!

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