Yesterday I picked about 8 pounds of strawberries. On the whole they are good - well swollen because of the amount of rain that we've had - but a larger than normal proportion have been attacked by mould (not surprising) or, of course, slugs. So I've been making jam and putting a lot in the freezer. By cutting them up and freezing them spread out on a tray, then putting them in bags, they are ideal for use later - not fresh of course but for cooking, where they are a real taste of summer.
I'm also picking lettuce (my second sowing is now coming up) beetroot (ditto) carrots and small broad beans. We eat them mange tout, rather than podding them, when they're small. 7 or 8 minutes in the pot - delicious! Next week there should also be peas and courgettes. I love this time of year!
I planted some sweetcorn seedlings a couple of weeks ago, but lost about three quarters to something - don't know what. It didn't look like slug damage, so could have been birds or more likely mice.In most cases the plants had not only been nibbled off at the base, but the seeds had been dug up and eaten. Anyway, I bought some more and planted them out, and so far they're OK. I have put mouse traps down and slug pellets and made sure that they are covered by mesh - can't do much more!
At the moment, the plot is just about full. There's a little space for leeks, but I have 10 purple sprouting broccoli to plant out, and there's just no room. So for the time being, they are in 5" pots and will be planted out when the broad beans have finished.
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