Wednesday, 1 May 2019

OK so far!

So far, things are not going too badly this year on the plot. The photo shows broad beans (which will soon be starting to flower) and - in front - kalettes, which will not be ready until the autumn. I also have garlic, onions and shallots coming up, and my beetroot, lettuce, carrots, leeks, peas and parsnips are doing quite well. My potatoes have now shown above the soil - no more frost please - and the strawberries are in flower. At home, I have runner beans, French beans and courgettes starting, to plant out later. The one thing that I am not happy about is a mole! You can see some of its hillocks in the foreground, and it is digging up much of the plot! I would really rather not kill it, so how do I get rid of it? Mothballs down the hole are said to make them leave - they don't like the smell of naphthalene - but I need it to go far away, and anyway, where can you now get mothballs? All ideas welcome!
On another note, we now have some more bees on the plots. The last hive did not survive winter, so let's hope these do better, and pollinate all our crops!

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