Monday, 16 June 2014

My new project

No, it's not the start of a refugee camp, but my latest attempt to keep the dreaded cabbage white butterflies off my brassicas.

This is inside the 'tent'. There are two vertical poles with a crosspiece, and the fine netting is draped over this and sewn to the top of the green fence. It's about 6' high in the middle, and at the moment contains cabbages - pointed, round and red, all at various stages - and Brussels sprouts. It will also contain my leeks, when I get round to planting them out. Quite apart from keeping off the butterflies, it means that I can put down slug pellets - very important! In the end I shall put up another tent, but both will have to come down in the winter in case there is snow, and because of the crop rotation, one will have to be put up over another plot next year.
I have also planted out some lettuce seedlings between my sweetcorn as a 'catch crop'. They should be ready long before the sweetcorn shade them too much. And a row of swede seeds. Oh, and I've planted out a couple of butternut squash in the only other room there was - just squashed them in, you might say.

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