Friday, 16 August 2013

Still lots to do!

 This shows just how well my cabbages have done this summer - both the pointed and the white ball types. I hope the winter cabbages that I am planting will be equally good! It's undoubtedly because I've kept them covered. This has kept the butterflies off, and also allowed me to put down a few slug pellets without fear of harming the birds. Each cabbage is plenty for four people.

I am also picking French beans, runner beans, spring onions, carrots, courgettes and beetroot, with sweetcorn looking good and chard coming along nicely. Red onions were however poor - but very
strong -  and white onions will be ready in a few weeks. I've also dug some potatoes, but there are another 3 rows to come. Swedes and parsnips are not ready yet, but will be in a month or so.

But there is still a lot to do! The weeds are growing strongly - they always do, come rain or shine - and there is feeding and watering to do. In the autumn, or when I have made some space, I will put down and dig in a lot of manure and compost. The soil still has a very heavy texture which has to be lightened, especially for root crops. Of course, we don't know what 2014 will bring weatherwise, but if it's warm, I will try to get things off to an early start - which will only be possible if I improve the soil a lot. There is no greater pleasure than picking fresh vegetables early on, when the ones in the shops have had to come half way round the world! 

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