Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Progress has been made.

The weather, as expected, has been cold, wet and dull mainly, although the weekend was OK, which let me make some progress. Everything is now dug, but it was very wet underneath, so it was not possible to cultivate the soil to give the kind of fine tilth I need for sowing seeds. So that is to do, possibly this coming weekend. There are of course more pressing things to do (aren't there always?) like putting down some concrete in our greenhouse at home. At the present, it has a path down the middle with soil at either side, but the last 2 years have been bad for tomatoes as there is a virus in the soil. The plants come up, then wilt away and there are no tomatoes. So this year, I'm concreting over the sides and using growbags, and this is now quite urgent, as my tomato plants must be put in.
I helped out at the composting site on Saturday. Hard work, but worthwhile seeing waste turned into black gold.
Also at the weekend, I finished off putting boards round on of my mini-plots to raise the level, and put together a plastic cupboard to keep the bits and pieces - string, trowel, labels, fertiliser, slug pellets, mesh etc - that I normally manage to leave at home. So some progress has been made! Now, if only the weather would perk up....

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