The picture on the left shows my plot with a few things still to harvest - parsnips, beetroot, carrots, cabbages, sprouts. The parsnips are a very funny shape - due no doubt to the plot not being dug before planting them. The ground has been so hard that the tops spread out but the roots were very constricted. However, they are delicious, as are the carrots (quite different to what can be bought) and the beetroot. When the carrots, parsnips and beetroot come out I will finish manuring then digging that plot.
I said a little while ago that I was intending to plant apple trees, and would try to train them as cordons. Well, I've put up the posts, (photo on right) but not yet the wires to train them on, and ordered 3 trees, which will be delivered bare-rooted in November. They are a Bramley clone 20 (ie 20% less vigorous than a Bramley) a Sunset (an eater like Cox but much easier to grow) and an Adam's Pearmain, which should pollinate both.
Until then I shall continue digging, and I've just planted some white onion sets, through black polythene as before, which seemed to work well. I've also moved some of the green netting, to the plot on which I shall grow legumes (peas, beans etc) next year. That has already been dug then covered with chippings to keep the weeds down over winter.
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