I've just been harvesting recently - beans, onions, potatoes, beetroot, courgettes etc - so not much to report. However, I've now dug over one of my mini-plots ready for next spring. I added about 25 barrows of horse manure (mixed with stable chippings) first, which was about 4", then dug it in. Next I will put on a couple of inches of shredded bark and leave over winter. The plot is for legumes next year, so hopefully it will be more fertile, and the soil structure should be a LOT better. I shall put manure on another of my mini-plots and dig it in for potatoes next year, the third will get general purpose fertiliser and the fourth will be limed for brassicas. Needless to say, I got a lot of flints out whilst digging, but the ground was moist so it wasn't as difficult as it might have been.
My wife and I went to Wisley yesterday - the headquarters of the Royal Horticultural Society - where everything is of course done to an exceptional standard. No chance of competing with that, but it did give us some ideas. I want to put some wires up along two sides of the plot, and train some fruit trees up them. Very decorative, a bit of a wind break, and high yielding too. And we also bought some hessian sacks to keep the glut of potatoes in....
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