I made this compost bin from some pallets that a friend gave me. It's actually two bins side by side, and the first is very nearly full already! The second has a few potatoes growing in it - the remnants of what I planted - so I'll have to dig those up before using it. I'm using whatever weeds come to hand - and there are lots of them - together with alternate layers of horse manure. Hopefully, by the time it comes to digging over the plot, this will be black gold. We are extremely lucky to have a 'community composting site' in the village, where anyone can take green waste, and this will be moving to the plots over the course of the next year, but until then (at least) I need to make my own.
We nearly have water on the plots now. We have
the containers, and they have been connected to
the water pipe. Now we need to connect the other end of the pipe to the mains, and put ball valves
etc on the containers. Of course, it hasn't stopped
raining since this part of the project was started...
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