Thursday, 4 March 2021

What a winter!


I see that I haven't posted for a very long time, for which many apologies! However, there has been much going on at the allotment. Over winter should be a quiet time, especially when there is a winter like the one just passing - lots of rain - the plot has been extremely squelchy for most of the time, and a very severe spell with temperatures below zero all day, plus quite a lot of snow. Despite this, and when the weather has allowed, I have replaced the posts at the corners of each plot. They were going rotten - this is their tenth year - so I've put in Metposts, which should not rot, and put 6' treated wooden posts on top. Then I've put black netting over these to keep the birds off. This allows us to move round easily inside, rather than having to crouch down. Hopefully, there will be no more snow this winter. It tends to accumulate on the netting, which sags and then tears. I have also dug a lot of manure into a couple of the plots, and weeded them, so everything is now ready! 

I've already planted out some pea plants under a cloche, which should provide some weather protection. They are a specially early variety, Proval. I also have some broad beans coming up, which should be ready for planting out in a couple of weeks - again, under a cloche - and have just germinated some kalettes (we are still picking kalettes from the plants that I grew from seed last year) and leeks. The leeks were a disaster last year. Most were so badly affected by leek miner moth that they were thrown away, and if they do as badly this year, I won't grow them again. On the other hand, the onions and shallots were so good that we are still eating them, and have enough for another month or so. Ah, the joys of gardening!