This is what January means to me - cold, wet, dark, little happening. At least we are past the shortest day, although the dull weather means that it is still dark very early in the afternoon.
A time for manuring, adding compost and digging. Much of this is done now, and practically all the vegetables have been harvested. I dug up the last of the leeks and parsnips last week. The only thing left is purple sprouting broccoli, which should start to come on next month.
Because I took out most things, I can now finish the tidying up before the growing season starts. Firstly there is weeding (why do they never stop growing, even in the depths of winter?) then manuring and finishing off the digging. There are a few garlic cloves growing (they always benefit from a nice cold spell) plus some winter onion sets, but that's it. No seeds being planted until at least next month.
So I'll leave it there, and resume in the spring.