Wednesday, 28 November 2018

All very sad!

 It's all very sad at this time of year. The days are short and cold, and sometimes like this - wet and foggy!
Most of the vegetables have finished, and have been dug up and discarded, but there is still some purple sprouting broccoli which should yield in the spring. At the moment, I am digging leeks (which did very well, and should be OK in the ground over winter) and parsnips (which also did quite well, although all have many roots, and most are a very strange shape) and pulling the last of the carrots.
So it's down to manuring, adding compost and digging. I've done a lot, but there is still a bit to do, and some that can't be done until the 
remaining vegetables have finished. I've also finished putting chippings over the paths to a depth of 3 or 4 inches, and done most of the weeding, a never-ending chore!
Not much to report then. The next thing will be the purple sprouting broccoli, followed by (hopefully) a good strawberry crop, but as ever, it will all depend on the weather.