Monday, 18 June 2018

The fruits of success

My first root of potatoes this year. These are Vivaldi - extremely tasty - and the yield is good. Very little slug damage so far, although no doubt this will change as the season progresses.
I am still picking strawberries. 23 lb so far, which is not bad, but nowhere near as good as last year's exceptional crop, when I had picked 48 lb at this stage. I have been replacing old plants with new, and I put some fertiliser down earlier in the year, so it is probably down to the lack of rain this year. I have watered them occasionally, but we need a lot more rain - the strawberries are forming but not swelling as much as last year.
Also picking broad beans when they are about finger sized, and eating them 'mange tout' rather than just the beans, which is delicious.
Yesterday I picked a cabbage as well. Not very large, but no damage whatsoever, and a half of it was plenty for the two of us.
I have, despite the weather, planted out both leeks and sweetcorn. These have all needed watering of course, but an early problem has arisen with the sweetcorn : one that has never happened before and that I was not expecting. There is a mole undermining them! I would rather not trap it (but I will happily trap any mice that come after the cobs) so will have to try to deter it. Apparently mothballs pushed down into their runs is quite effective (they don't like the smell) but if anyone has any better ideas ...

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Ready for summer

Everything (nearly, more later) is growing well. The fine weather that was forecast actually happened, so I have nearly everything in the ground. The only things to go in now  are the leeks (still a bit small) and the sweetcorn.

I've started picking strawberries - just a few so far, and they are a week later than last year - and the first broad beans should be ready next week.

The one thing that is slow is the peas. I had zero germination early in the year, so bought a new pack of seed and tried again. A few have germinated, but seem to be really struggling. Disappointing, as they were excellent last year.

Of course, it wouldn't be England if I didn't complain about the weather. Yes, it's been warm, but rain has been lacking over the last few weeks, so I've had to water, especially the seeds and seedlings, quite regularly. Other than that, it's been weeding, of which there is always some to do!