Monday, 9 October 2017

Autumn jobs

This is how parsnips should be, but mine almost invariably are not! Mine always have several roots, and short cylindrical tops, but they taste extremely good. For whatever reason, this one came up looking good, and was large enough for 3 of us! There is also a good number of quite large leeks, plus a few cabbages and (next spring) some purple sprouting broccoli. Other than that, we will be relying on the freezer, which contains many runner, French and broad beans, peas, sweetcorn, broccoli and lots of fruit.

So now it's on to the autumn/winter jobs : digging in manure and compost, putting a layer of wood chippings on the paths and general maintenance. I can't do everything yet (even if I had the time) because there are still runner bean plants ripening seed, and a few beetroot to come yet, but it really feels autumnal. Time to go into hibernation for the winter!