This is the time of year, when everything is winding down for the winter, that gardens - especially vegetable gardens - look very sad. I have just taken down my beans, both French and runner, together with their supports. I have saved some of the seed for next year, as I know both of these varieties do well here. I have also pulled up my peas, and have started tidying up the strawberries.

It's been 6 weeks since I last wrote a blog - where does the time go? - but I have been up to the plot on several occasions, to pick the last of the beans, plus some strawberries (at least, those that haven't been eaten by the slugs) and also the odd courgette and - with winter coming on - the first of the parsnips, which were delicious but not entirely the right shape! And the sprouting broccoli has been excellent!
Now is the time to do the winter jobs. I shall put manure and compost on two of my plots, and dig it in. The soil structure is already much better than when I started, but this should help it even more. The other two plots in the rotation will be dug and left overwinter, before fertilising and liming as necessary next spring. I have already put in some overwintering onion sets, which have sprouted, and I shall put some more in next spring. I have also ordered all my seeds for next year.
Next job though is to finish off tidying up the strawberries, and buy some coarse anti-bird netting to go over the frame that I have erected. And of course there are the paths to cover with a layer of tree shreddings - there is always something to do!