Every year, the local horticultural society holds two shows, spring and autumn. There is always a category for 'A vegetable disaster'. No matter how good a grower you are, there are ALWAYS disasters, so I put in a parsnip - in truth, I could probably have put in most of my parsnips, plus many other things, but this one fitted the bill.
In fact, it also had a long root running at right angles to the top, but it was so long I had to cut it off to get the parsnip into the fridge after the show. However, it did not win first prize because, as the judge said, it was at least edible, which the winner - a motheaten cabbage - was certainly not! Actually, it was delicious! It fed 4 people with some left over.
Some of my better vegetables did OK in the show. I've been talking about beans - we have had loads - and both French and runner beans won first prize, as did courgettes and the basket of fruit and vegetables. It's not the prize money (50p for a first) but the bragging rights!
Beans are now tailing off a bit (just as well as the freezer is full) and I shall grow only half as many next year, but other things - sweetcorn, late peas, purple sprouting broccoli, butternut squash - are taking their place. It will soon be time to put the allotment to bed for the winter!!