Thursday, 24 April 2014

Nearly up to date

Not much to see here, but for once in my life I'm almost up to date with the plot. All is dug (with manure and compost, or lime, or blood, fish and bone meal). I have put in my onion sets and some of the onions that I have grown from seed. Also in this plot is a row of garlic, and rows of beetroot and carrot seeds
This is my new cold frame, with lettuce, beetroot and carrots growing strongly from seed, and a row of spring onion seeds. (The carrots are in bottomless modules, two carrots to each space, so I don't have to thin them.)
I have also planted potatoes (the earlies (Kestrel) are ridged up and the leaves are coming through, but the maincrops (Cara) have still to show) and parsnip seed. On other plots I have planted out some Brussels sprouts and a few early cabbage, and there are some red cabbages coming along nicely from seed. My bean seeds (both runner and French, and both saved from last year) are in pots in the greenhouse and have just come through, and I have today planted sweetcorn, which are now in the propagator as they like some heat to germinate, and courgette seeds. Although I try to maintain a fairly strict 4-plot rotation, the sweetcorn will have to go in where they were last year, as there is insufficient room in the potato plot.
I have also planted some Swiss chard seed, to replace the plants that have stood over the winter, from which I am picking plenty of leaves. They will of course bolt soon.

Monday, 7 April 2014


Today is cold and wet, but the last few weeks have been much better, which has enabled me to catch up somewhat. I've planted out broad bean seedlings and onion sets which I had started in modules in the greenhouse, also some cabbage seedlings, and there are some sprout seedlings ready to go in too! Some onion seeds planted in modules have germinated (as have leeks) and I've put some more seeds in. I will be planting out pea seedlings in the next day or so, but will have to keep them covered, at least initially, as we may have a frost. In the next couple of weeks I intend to sow runner beans and French beans, then courgettes and sweetcorn in a heated propagator, and I must sow parsnip seeds into the ground. All this as well as digging (that of course was delayed by the weather) and putting loads of chippings (kindly supplied by our local tree surgeon) onto the paths round the plot. Plus successional sowings of carrots, beetroot and lettuce. And maincrop potatoes - it's all go at this time of year!
We have been picking purple sprouting broccoli regularly, also swedes and the odd leek, plus the first of the pointed spring cabbage. But now I need the room, so the swedes, leeks and purple sprouting will have to come out. Never mind - they have been great.