Is this the end of winter 2011-12? The weather this week has been stunning for February, and there was a work party up at the allotments this morning. We were cutting back the surrounding hedge, in preparation for our new anti-deer fence, which is to be installed soon. There's another work party tomorrow to finish off. This is one of the piles of brush that we cut back.
And this is a view of our new composting site. This has moved from a fairly restricted site where it has been for the last 10 years, and has been able to expand here. The volunteers have built a large number of new pallet bins, and access will be even better when the road just inside the new fence - and for which we will be receiving a grant - is completed. For this year only, 'prepared' compost will continue to be picked up at the old site (where it has been maturing all winter) and green waste will be brought to the new site.
As far as the plot itself goes, I have carried on digging (and taking out flints) so it should be ready for planting next month. I have potatoes chitting, tomatoes sprouting, and broad beans in pots at home.
2012 will be the second year for the new plots. As expected, some (only 5) people dropped out after year 1, but their places have already been taken by Tatsfield residents.